SWD Blaster MCU Programmer


SWD Blaster Hardware Overview


The SWD Blaster is an easy to use
ARM MCU Programmer Compatible with IAR
Embedded Workbench. It provides
full functional in circuit debugging
for most ARM Cortex A/R/M MCUs.

Embedded Workbench Project

The SWD Blaster is a stand alone programmer for use with IAR
Embedded Workbench and capable of debugging most ARM MCU’s. It includes
the I-Jet On Board Module from IAR. The SWD Blaster has a maximum speed
of 8MHz. I-jet provides a fast debugging platform via JTAG and SWD/SWO
with download speeds of up to 1.89 MByte/sec and support for SWO speeds
of up to 60MHz.

SWD Blaster Programming Overview
SWD Blaster Callouts Diagram

Hardware Features:

  • I-Jet OB Module from IAR (No License Needed)
  • USB-C connection
  • 20 Pin 0.1 Inch Header for connection to target MCU
  • Reset Pushbutton for target MCU
  • Connection and Status LEDs
  • Fast Debugging, 8MHz via SWD/SWO
  • Download Speeds of 1.89 Mbyte/Sec
  • Supported by full IAR Embedded Workbench Debug Software
  • Supports all ARM Cortex A/R/M MCU’s from most vendors
The board is powered by USB and connects to target MCU’s via the
20 pin 0.1 Inch header. The SWD Blaster does not require a license.
The USB driver for the board is included in the IAR Embedded
Workbench software. The board is plug and play and includes a reset
pushbutton switch to reset the target.

EPT I-Jet Connection Project

EPT I-Jet Connection Project

Programming ARM MCUs

The SWD Blaster must have the IAR Embedded Workbench installed on the
PC. The USB driver is included in the software. Once installed, connect the
SWD Blaster using a USB-C cable. Connect the USB cable to a port on the Host PC.
Connect the SWD Signals to the target MCU.
Use the Embedded Workbench software to connect to the target board.

The SWD Blaster will show up under Device Manager as the I-Jet.
When the Embedded Workbench software is open, the user can select
I-Jet from the Options Window of the user project.
Write user code, compile, download and start debugging.

SWD Blaster Functionality

The SWD Blaster provides the full functionality of the
Embedded Workbench software. The user can Download, Debug, Step
Go, Pause execution of user code.
The OBM provides full SWD JTAG in circuit emulation. The emulation
speed is limited to 8MHz. However, this speed is more than adequate
for most applications. The OBM provides all of the debugging power of
the IAR Embedded Workbench. The user can:

  • compile user code
  • download, debug
  • step over functions
  • step into functions
  • run to cursor
  • run full program
  • pause
  • view all registers
  • set breakpoints
  • execute to breakpoints
  • add variables to Watch
  • probe variables
  • and all other functionality

Embedded Workbench Project

Getting Started with Microcontrollers Made Easy

The SWD Blaster comes with a User Manual that walks the user through
getting started with their first Microcontroller (MCU) project development.
The User Manual explains how to get the free version of IAR Embedded Workbench
and download and install onto the users PC.

The User Manual will show to the user how to use Board Support Package
such as STM32CubeMX. This software provides a graphical tool that allows
configuring the STM32 microcontrollers very easily and generate a complete
C project for IAR.
STM32CubeMX is free for users. The manual will walk the user through
download and install process. Then, it will explain how to set up your
first ARM MCU project, GPIO selection, Clock configuration and Peripheral

ARM Code Development

The SWD Blaster User Manual provides an introduction
to getting the user set up and working with their first
ARM MCU project. After setting up the project using a BSP
(Board Support Package), the manual walks the user through
how to open a project in IAR EW. The user will make modifications
to the default project. The user is instructed to blink an LED
attached to a GPIO on the MCU. The manual will explain how to
compile the user code, download the code and start the debug
process on the target MCU. The User Manual explains the basic
features of the debugger environment. It explains the use of
breakpoints, watch variables and variable search.
The SWD Blaster and User Manuals, Data sheets and example
projects will expertly assist getting even the most basic
user up and running with their first ARM Code Project.


85-001000 SWD Blaster MCU Programmer User Manual EPT_SWD_BLASTER_UM_V6.pdf
95-001000 SWD Blaster MCU Programmer Data Sheet SWD_BLASTER_DS_V2.pdf
45-001000 SWD Blaster MCU Programmer Project DVD SWD_BLASTER_MCU_PROJECT_1.0_DVD
55-001000 SWD Blaster MCU Programmer Schematics EPT_IOBM_PT_W2_V1.SCHEMATIC.PDF
35-001000 SWD Blaster Drivers CDM212364_Setup.ZIP
Earth People Technology: UnoProLogic


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