EPT-4901-DA-S1 DAC Board

EPT-4901-DA-S1 DAC Board Hardware Overview

Digital To Analog Converter Board

The EPT-4901-DA-S1 is an easy to use
DAC Board. It includes
an eight bit DAC and convinient
Bread Board connections

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This DAC board features the MCP4091 Eight bit Digital to Analog chip. It is designed to fit into a bread board and connect to any Arduino board. The chip operates from a single 2.7V to 5.5V supply with an SPI compatible Serial Peripheral Interface. So, it can accommodate the +3.3V and +5V Arduinos such as the Mini, Mini Pro, Nano.


DAC Board Hardware Overview

Hardware Features:

  • Uses the SPI interface accessible by Arduino Libraries
  • 8-bit, Rail to Rail, Voltage Output DAC
  • Fast Settling Time of 4.5 µs
  • Compatible with +3.3V or +5V interface
  • 8Mb Flash chip utilized in +5V mode only
  • Convenient Bread Board Connectors SMT mounted on bottom
  • Green LED Power Indicator
The EPT-4901-DA-S1 contains a MCP4091 DAC chip. The board can be used to generate any analog voltage from ground to VREF. VREF is determined by a voltage divider using a potentiometer. The potentiometer allows VREF to vary from zero volts to VCC. VCC is determined by the voltage used to power the EPT-4901-DA-S1. The DAC will accept any input digital value from zero to 255 and convert this value to analog. However, VREF determines the step size of each digital value.

Digital to Analog Converter

The MCP4901 is a single channel 8-bit buffered voltage output Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC). The devices operate from a single 2.7V to 5.5V supply with an SPI compatible Serial Peripheral Interface. The user can configure the full-scale range of the device to be VREF or 2*VREF by setting the gain selection option bit (gain of 1 of 2).
The device be can shut down by setting the Configuration Register bit. In Shutdown mode, most of the internal circuits are turned off for power savings, and the output amplifier is configured to present a known high resistance output load (500 kΩ typical).
The device include double-buffered registers, allowing synchronous updates of the DAC output using the LDAC pin. These devices also incorporate a Power-on Reset (POR) circuit to ensure reliable powerup.
The device utilizes a resistive string architecture, with its inherent advantages of low Differential Non-Linearity (DNL) error and fast settling time. This device is specified over the extended temperature range (+125°C).

VREF Potentiometer

The EPT-4901-DA-S1 board includes a 20K potentiometer. This pot forms a voltage divider with a second resistor to vary the voltage applied to VREF. This varied voltage provides an amplitude control for the Analog Out voltage.


By varying the VREF, the accuracy of the DAC can be improved. This is because the analog output step size between each DAC digital word is reduced. For example, if the VREF is set to 5V, the analog output step size is 5V/256 (Digital Steps) = 0.0195V per step. If the VREF is set to 2.5V, the analog output step size is 2.5V/256 (Digital Steps) = 0.00976V per step. The smaller the analog step size (or quanta), the more accurate the analog signal can be.


85-000010 MCP4901 Digital To Analog Converter Board User Manual EPT_4901_DAC_UM.pdf
95-000010 MCP4901 Digital To Analog Converter Board Data Sheet EPT_4901_DAC_DS.pdf
45-000010 MCP4901 Digital To Analog Converter Board Project DVD EPT-4901-DAC-PROPJECT_DVD
55-000010 MCP4901 Digital To Analog Converter Board Schematics EPT_4901_DA_SCHEMATICS.PDF
Earth People Technology: UnoProLogic


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