
How do I get the Du...
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How do I get the DueProLogic FPGA to work on my system

Active Member


I am a first time participant of this forum so please be patient. 

I followed the instructions from the DVD folder which I downloaded from this site. I read the instructions and installed all of the necessary drivers. I am powering the FPGA using the micro USB cable. I see the FPGA and micro USB lights are both on.

However, when I ran the EPT_Transfer Demo program there is nothing to select in the selection window and clicking on open returned a no device response. Why? What should I check to make sure everything is set up properly.

My computer has the latest Win 10 and I updated all the drivers.

Thank-you for any help anyone can provide. 

Topic starter Posted : 09/10/2023 1:52 am
New Member

To get the DueProLogic FPGA to work on your system, you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. Hardware Setup: Ensure that you have the DueProLogic FPGA board and any necessary accessories (power supply, USB cables, etc.). Connect the board to your computer using a USB cable.

  2. Software Installation: Download and install the necessary software tools and drivers for the DueProLogic FPGA. This typically includes the FPGA development environment and any specific drivers required for your operating system.

  3. Firmware Development: Write or load the FPGA firmware or configuration bitstream onto the board. You'll likely use a development environment like Xilinx Vivado or Quartus Prime for this step. Make sure your code or configuration is compatible with the FPGA hardware.

  4. Connection and Configuration: Ensure that your computer recognizes the FPGA board when it's connected via USB. You may need to configure the software to recognize the specific FPGA model you're using.

  5. Testing and Debugging: Run some test programs or applications on the FPGA to verify that it's working as expected. Debug any issues that may arise during this process.

  6. Integration: If your FPGA is part of a larger system, integrate it with your target hardware and software environment. Ensure that it communicates correctly with other components.

  7. Documentation and Resources: Refer to the documentation provided with your DueProLogic FPGA board and any online resources or forums related to your specific FPGA model. These can be invaluable for troubleshooting and learning.

  8. Support: If you encounter challenges, don't hesitate to seek support from the FPGA manufacturer or the community of FPGA users. They can often provide guidance and solutions to common issues.

Remember that working with FPGAs can be complex, so patience and persistence are essential. Each FPGA board and development environment may have unique requirements, so be sure to follow the specific instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Los Angeles Dedicated Servers

Posted : 09/10/2023 12:13 pm
Active Member

Thanks for your reply. From reading your post I believe I did all of this. I downloaded the packages needed and installed everything.

Now I need troubleshooting. For example, looking at Device Manager Win 10 what should I see? I believe that the instructions on your website says to check at the LPT-COM entry for ... (I forget the entry names) but they did appear to match with what I got. The EPT_Transfer Demo I found and ran but there is no entry for the drop down menu for any board just blank. No device was found when I clicked on open I believe. This is where I am perplexed! 

Working backwords, what would be the required components so that the EPT Transfer software would be able to recognize the board? Is there some type of configuration that's required?


Topic starter Posted : 09/10/2023 7:04 pm
Active Member

Reviewing the installation instructions I am supposed to install the CDM21228 FTDI VCP driver. I had installed the CDM 212364 version before thinking that the new software would work! I haven't installed the 21228 driver yet but suspect this might be the source of the problem. Then I will try the EPT_Transfer demo.


Topic starter Posted : 09/10/2023 11:54 pm
Active Member

I want to share my experience in customizing the DueProLogic FPGA board in my system. This task may have seemed daunting at first glance, but with the right approach and a little patience, I was able to make everything work.

Posted : 13/10/2023 10:06 pm
Active Member

The first step was to carefully review the user manual and technical specifications of the DueProLogic FPGA board. I made sure that my system met all of the board's requirements and that I had all of the necessary drivers and software.

Posted : 13/10/2023 10:06 pm
Active Member

I then installed the necessary drivers and software on my computer. This included the FPGA firmware loader and development tools provided by the board manufacturer. I also updated all necessary libraries and dependencies.

Posted : 13/10/2023 10:06 pm
Active Member

Next, I connected the DueProLogic FPGA board to my computer, making sure all connections were secure and properly configured. I then loaded a simple firmware example onto the board to make sure it was properly recognized and working.

Posted : 13/10/2023 10:07 pm
Active Member

When problems arose, I actively used the FPGA developer forums and communities to find answers to my questions. By communicating with experienced developers, I was able to solve most of my difficulties.

So, in the end, after dealing with some difficulties and putting a lot of effort into studying the documentation and interacting with the community, I was able to get the DueProLogic FPGA board working in my system. I now have the ability to pursue exciting FPGA-based projects, and this has opened up many opportunities for me in the world of digital development. I wish everyone the best of luck with your projects and remember that patience and community interaction can solve many difficulties! 😉 

Posted : 13/10/2023 10:07 pm
Active Member

Thank you for listening to me)

Posted : 13/10/2023 10:07 pm
Active Member

Thanks Elena23. The strange thing is that in Windows 10 the Device Manager has shown the correct entries in the COM port sections. But nothing had shown in the EPT demo as a device.

But, I did manage to get the DueLogicPro board to run correctly. I installed on Windows 11!


Topic starter Posted : 14/10/2023 12:02 am
Active Member

Later I was able to get the DueProLogic running on Windows 10. What I had to do was:

1. After installing the driver and restarting the computer I then went into Device Manager, did a right-click on the COM entries and chose check for hardware changes. This is important.

2. Run the x64 version of the EPT demo but use the debug version. The release version didn't work

I hope others having troubles getting their DueProLogic FPGA working will have similar success!


This post was modified 9 months ago by XYZ
Topic starter Posted : 14/10/2023 3:26 am
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