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A term paper is the student's final research paper, for the quality of the writing and design of which the instructor assigns a grade to the student's record book. There are very serious requirements for term papers, both from the semantic point of view and concerning the design issues. But, unfortunately, many students do not know how to properly design a term paper according to the requirements.
Regardless of the specialty for which term paper is written, students must comply with the structure of this scientific research, prescribed in the state standard.
The structure of the term paper must contain the following mandatory elements: title page without numbering; content introduction the main part (chapters, paragraphs); conclusion; list of references; appendices (if provided by the work).
It is important to remember that it is impossible to break the order of the elements.
General requirements for the design of the term paper are prescribed in the standards. The work should be printed only on A4-size sheets. It is unacceptable to print the on both sides of the sheet. The font used is Times New Roman 12 or 14 size, alignment by width.
All text should be typed with 1 or 1.5 cm line spacing. No blank line should be inserted between paragraphs. It is obligatory to use black color for typing the text of the term paper. Categorically prohibited bold type in the main body of the work, in the design of titles the use of bold type is possible. Attention should be paid to the settings of the margins of the sheet: the top and bottom margin - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm.
The state standard does not contain any requirements for the font used for the title page. The generally accepted norm is Times New Roman font. In this case, the title of the and type of term papers can be designed in bold type in size 16, all other data - the usual font size 14 (the usual standards).
The information is centered except for information about the student and supervisor. These data are aligned on the right side of the sheet.
The title page is not numbered, but counted in the total number of pages of the term paper.
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