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Do I need to change a .SOF file to a .POF file to program DueProLogic board

New Member

I have a Due-Pro-Logic board and a DE0-NANO board and Quartus Prime Lite 22.1 on one computer with windows 10 and Quartus Prime Lite 20.1 on another computer with windows 10.

My problem is I can design a Quartus project and program the DE0-NANO with a .SOF file (no problem) but when I try to program the Due-Pro-Logic board it won't except the .SOF file it want's a .POF file and the programming window hardware is set up at MBFTDI-Blaster v1.6b (64) [MBUSB-0].

I select in the Mode button Active Serial Programming. All is good except when I add my project output file it's a .SOF file and the programmer want's a .POF file.

I tried to change my .SOF file to a .POF file with no luck. When I compile the project Quartus only gives me in, output files the .SOF along with other files but no .POF file.

Question- Can I program the Due-Pro-Logic using the programming tool using the Mode JTAG with the .SOF file.

Best Regards






Topic starter Posted : 08/04/2023 4:11 pm

Hello Allison,


We designed the DueProLogic to configure the on board flash using the built in programmer. The on board flash is programmed using the *.pof file. To use a *.sof file, you will have to use an external programmer connected to the connector, J13. 

DueProLogic J13

In order to use the J13 for programming JTAG directly to the Cyclone IV, you have to remove R96:

Remove R96

If you need help removing the resistor array R96, you can send the DueProLogic back to EPT and we can remove it for you.

Posted : 08/04/2023 6:41 pm
New Member



I have a quite similar issue, i use the quartus convert programing file utility to generate pof file,

It's not possible to select the ECS1 device because of size issue, but when i program your project it use ECS1 device

Could you provide your setup to convert sof in pof in a cof file (convertion setup data) ?


This post was modified 2 years ago by Michel
Posted : 13/04/2023 6:43 pm
New Member

Dear Alison,

To Program the the Due-Pro-Logic board using the programming tool, you need to provide a .POF file instead of a .SOF file. Unfortunately, changing the file extension from .SOF to .POF will not work. The .POF file is generated during the compilation process in Quartus Prime. To generate the .POF file, please follow these steps: 1. Open your Quartus project. 2. Go to "Assignments" in the menu bar and select "Device". 3. In the "Device and Pin Options" window, select "Configuration" from the left panel. 4. Under "Configuration File", click on the "Add File" button and select the .SOF file. 5. Click on the "Generate" button to generate the .POF file. Once the .POF file is generated, you can use it to program the Due-Pro-Logic board using the programming tool.

Best Regards,

Posted : 31/08/2023 6:44 am
New Member

I have a quite similar issue, i use the quartus convert programing file utility to generate pof file,

Posted : 17/12/2023 11:02 am
The Web Gateway
New Member

No, you don't need to convert a .SOF file to a .POF file to program the DueProLogic board; it supports direct programming with .SOF files.


TWG-Custom Web Application Development Services

Posted : 20/02/2024 1:17 pm
NGR Performance
New Member

good post

Posted : 13/03/2024 11:35 am
David Menk
New Member

No, you don't need to change the .SOF file to a .POF file to program the DueProLogic board. As for Zabbix install, you might want to check the specific requirements and installation instructions for that software.

Posted : 28/03/2024 11:00 am
Active Member

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This post was modified 7 months ago by Xerred
Posted : 05/08/2024 6:31 pm
New Member

You have to get an external programmer connected to the connector, J13 to do that.

slope game

Posted : 09/08/2024 9:36 am
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